How To Grow: 3 Steps To Create Positive and Lasting Change.
Do you want to grow but are not sure how? Join your hosts Travis and Kari Frye as they discuss 3 steps you can take right now to promote growth in your life. You will learn the importance of getting and staying connected to God, self and others which is the 1st step in the growth process. We simply need others in our lives who will challenge and connect with us. No one can do it alone!
You will also learn about the importance of vulnerability in the growth process. When we are vulnerable we allow others to see our real self, all the good and bad, which counters isolation, shame, and condemnation.
Finally, you will hear Travis and Kari discuss the importance of having a counselor, coach, mentor, advisor, etc. who can help you see your blind spots, encourage your, exhort you, challenge you, and partner with you in your journey.
The Connected Life with hosts Travis and Kari Frye is all about helping you to live a more connected life. We want you to be more connected to God, self, spouse, family, community, and to the world at large. It is our belief that more connected you are, the holier and healthier you will be!
Join hosts Travis and Kari Frye as we explore all facets of what it means to live The Connected Life.
Episodes 1 and 2:
Episode 2