Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 27:37-39
The Connected Life
The Connected Life was a weekly radio program that aired on 1360 AM FaithTalk sunday mornings at 7:30am. Travis and Kari believe that the more connected you are the holier and healthier you will be. Their desire is to help you to have a connected marriage, family, and to experience a deeper connection with God.
Travis and Kari Frye have been married for 21 years and have three wonderful children. Travis is the Owner and Founder, of Crossroads Counseling and C.A.R.E.. He is trained in Marriage and Family Therapy and along with his staff provides marriage, family, and individual counseling/coaching in his Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Anthem office locations.
Kari has a degree in Biblical Studies from Biola University. She is a trained Enneagram facilitator and offers Enneagram coaching and spiritual direction.
To learn more about The Connected Life Radio please visit our Facebook page at or you can download and listen to previous shows.
How To Win An Argument With Your Spouse.
Join Travis and Kari Frye as they talk about how you and your spouse can win in arguments. You will learn how to turn conflict into connection by avoiding common pitfalls and following simple guidelines for effective communication in your marriage or relationship.
How To Grow: 3 Steps To Create Positive and Lasting Change.
Do you want to grow but are not sure how? Maybe it’s relational growth, spiritual, emotional, or it could even be in your professional life. If you want to learn more about what people need in order to achieve personal growth join Travis and Kari Frye as they share 3 steps you can take right now to create positive and lasting change in your life.
Fear Cycles. Episodes 36, 37, and 38.
There are many causes behind marriage troubles. Couples argue and fight for many different reasons and over numerous topics. However, the commonality all troubled marriages and relationships have are negative patterns of interaction that Travis Frye terms, “Fear Cycles.” You will learn about the 3 types of Fear Cycles and the 5 steps to overcoming them in you marriage.
Affairs and Infidelity. Episode 35.
Many marriages have struggled with the devastating consequences of infidelity. In this episode of the Connected Life marriage counselor Travis Frye talks about the reasons and causes behind infidelity. He also shares how the process of counseling can help couples save their marriage. If you or someone you know has experienced an affair then you’ll want to listen.
Discipline=Freedom. Episodes 32, 33, and 34.
The word, “discipline” often carries a negative connotation in many people’s minds. However, living a disciplined life is one of the keys to success. Furthermore, engaging in the Spiritual Disciplines is one of the primary ways for Christian to experience emotional and spiritual growth. If you want to grow to be “more like Christ” and want to know how then you’ll want to listen to Travis and Kari Frye share their insights on the Spiritual Disciplines.
The “D” Word! Episodes 29 and 30
The “D” word! What is it? Why is it important? Join Travis and Kari as they talk about an all too common problem that affects virtually millions of people.
What is Christian Counseling? Episode 23.
What are the differences between secular counseling, biblical counseling, and Christian counseling? Christian therapist Travis Frye along with his wife and co-host help their listeners to understand the differences and to know what questions are important to ask when seeking Christian counseling.
Marriage Tips for Women. Episode 22.
Do you want to improve your relationship with your husband? Are you looking for practical guidance on how to connect with your spouse? Marriage counselor Travis Frye and his wife Kari Frye offer their top tips for women who want to have an emotionally connected marriage.
Marriage Tips for Men. Episode 21.
Do you want to be a better husband? Do you struggle to emotionally connect with your wife? Are you ready for some great tips and practical tools that will help you in your marriage? If yes, then you will want to listen to marriage therapist Travis Frye and his wife Kari Frye as they share valuable tips that will immediately help your marriage.
Building a Strong Foundation for Marriage: Parts 1 and 2. Episodes 16 and 17.
Your marriage will be the most important relationship in your life. You will want to “build your house upon the rock” which is exactly what this talk is all about. Join your hosts Travis and Kari Frye as they talk about premarital counseling and what it takes to have a happy and fulfilling marriage.
Healing and Forgiveness in Marriage: Parts 1, 2, and 3. Episodes 13,14, and 15.
You will hurt the one that you love. It is inevitable. The choice you have is how you deal with the hurt. Do you get angry and hurt back? Do you withdraw and protect yourself? Or do you bravely face the hurt as a couple so that there is healing and forgiveness? Join Christian counselor Travis Frye and his wife Kari Frye as they candidly share how to move from hurt to healing.
How important is date night? Is it vital to creating and sustaining a healthy and happy marriage? These are the questions that Travis and Kari Frye answer in this episode of the Connected Life.
Bear One Another’s Burdens. Episodes 10 and 11.
Scripture teaches us that we are to bear one another’s burdens, love one another, and confess our sins to one another. This episode is all about putting Scripture into practice through Crossroads process groups.
Taboo Topics in Marriage. Episode 7.
Join your hosts Travis and Kari Frye as they discuss the taboo topic of whether or not there are taboo topics in marriage. If you are married you will for sure identify with this discussion and you’ll benefit from the guidelines they share.
Group Retreat and Couples Intensive. Episode 5.
Travis and Kari Frye talk about their marriage retreat which occurs several times throughout the year. This is an awesome opportunity for couples to break through to one another. You will learn what the retreat entails and how it will help your marriage.
7 Signs Of a Troubled Marriage. Episode 4.
Join your hosts Travis and Kari Frye as they identify and discuss the 7 warning signs that your marriage may be at risk. This episode is full of valuable information that just may help you save your marriage!
Create An Emotionally Connected Marriage Parts 1&2. Episodes 2 and 3.
Travis and Kari share the story of how they overcame adversity in their marriage in order to create and emotionally connected relationship. You will be both blessed and entertained by their love story.
The Connected Life, Episode 1.
Travis and Kari Frye lay the foundation for the vision and mission of the Connected Life which is built on the greatest commandment to love God and your neighbor.